We are an alliance of various organizations. Together we see student exchange as an integral part of German-Israeli relations and want to promote this through a regularly held German-Israeli student conference. In addition, we want to fight together against any form of antisemitism, oppose the delegitimization of the State of Israel and stand up for a more realistic image of Israel in Germany, Europe and the world.
Within the framework of the conference organization there are the organizers of the conference, consisting of the fzs e.V., the Young Forum (JuFo) of the German-Israeli Society, the Association of Jewish Students Hessen (VJSH), the Jewish Student Union Germany (JSUD) and National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) and the supporters, which include the AStA of the University of Frankfurt and the student body of the University of Lüneburg.

free association of students unions (fzs e.V.)
The fzs is the non-partisan umbrella organization of student bodies in the FRG. With about 90 members, the fzs organizes about one million students. The fzs is a member of the European Students’ Union (ESU) and has been actively involved in the fight against all forms of discrimination for many years antisemitism.

Young Forum of the German-Israeli Society (Jufo DIG)
The Young Forum is a platform for members of the German-Israeli Society between the ages of 14 and 35. Its concern is to stand up for a differentiated and enlightened image of Israel in Germany and against antisemitism and to promote German-Israeli dialogue through local and nationwide projects.

Association of Jewish Students Hessen (VJSH)
As the statewide representative of young Jewish adults between the ages of 18-35 in Hesse, the VJSH strengthens Jewish identity and solidarity among young Jews through academic and non-academic recreational opportunities and advocates for optimal living and study conditions.

Jewish Students Union Germany
The Jewish Student Union Germany (JSUD) is the nationwide representation of Jewish students and young Jewish adults in Germany, based in Berlin.

National Union of Israeli Students
The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) has been representing students throughout Israel since 1934. Today, NUIS represents more than 300,000 students at over 64 universities and colleges.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Student Council of the University of Tübingen
The Student Council Tübingen (StuRa) is the central decision-making and representative body of the constituted student body of the University of Tübingen. The StuRa promotes student projects of various kinds and thus supports the political and cultural education of students.
Central Council of Jews in Germany
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