Resolution 2022

Resolution on the 2nd German-Israeli Student Conference

Already at the first German-Israeli Student Conference in 2019, a resolution was passed that was later adopted by the German Rectors’ Conference and is still of central importance for combating BDS and antisemitism at German universities. This year, a joint resolution will also be presented at the conference, which was drafted in a bilateral process prior to the conference.

This resolution was signed on 21.09.2022 in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs by representatives of the initiating organizations – the fzs e.V., the JuFo DIG, the JSUD, the VJSH, and the NUIS

Initial signatories

Liberal university groups

The Federal Association of Liberal University Groups represents the interests of its member groups at over 50 locations vis-à-vis politics and society. At the center of the LHG’s policy is the commitment to the greatest possible freedom of each individual, which finds its limits in the freedom of others.

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Juso University Groups

Socialist. Feminist. Internationalist.
The Juso university group is the student association of the SPD. At more than 80 universities nationwide, they fight for a fairer and solidary study.

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Federal Association of Green-Alternative University Groups

As an umbrella organization, Campusgrün networks and represents university groups throughout Germany. The goal is the “realization of a society in which social justice prevails, human rights are actually implemented, in which no one is discriminated against, and in which there is a balance between people and nature.”

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Ring of Christian Democratic Students

With around 8,000 members, the RCDS is the largest and oldest student association in Germany. It is represented at numerous universities in Germany and actively promotes the concerns of students and a modern and sustainable higher education policy.

Website | Instagram | Facebook

The full resolution in English and German can be read through and downloaded here: 

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