
This year’s conference will be held under the joint patronage of the Ambassador of the State of Israel, His Excellency Ron Prosor and Minister Cem Özdemir.

Among other things, participants can expect:

A lecture by the writer and executive director of UN Watch Hillel Neuer

The opportunity to network with hundreds of students from Israel, Germany and Europe

An open dialogue on various issues affecting the future of Europe and the Middle East

The possibility to get to know different (political) actors to do the work antisemitism and Israel

The program is updated continuously.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Optional preprogram

15:00 | Critical Campus Tour – Initiative Students at IG Farben Campus [DE]

16:00 | Political Party System in Israel – Ralf Balke

Parallel | Critical Campus Tour – Fritz Bauer Institute [ENG]

17:30 | Educational System & Educational Policies in Israel – Shir Horowitz

Parallel | Critical Campus Tour – Initiative Students at IG Farben Campus [DE] / Fritz Bauer Institute [ENG]

18:30 | Dinner


from 17:00 | Registration at the conference venue

19:30 | Welcome and opening of the conference

with representatives of the Junge Forum der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft e.V., freier zusammenschluss von student*innenschaften e.V., Verband Jüdischer Studierender Hessen (VJSH), National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) a.o.

20:00 | Key Note Speech – Hillel Neuer (UN Watch)

20:30 | Panel discussion: “Positioning German and Israeli academia in a global context – why we need more cooperation (between students) and how to achieve it”.

The resolution for the 2022 conference, which was drafted with representatives of all party-affiliated university groups in Germany and youth parties in Israel, will be discussed here with representatives of various university policy actors.

from 22:00 | Party with Israeli music, from 23:00 Le Jeune Flück will play – organized with the AStA of the University of Frankfurt (admission 2G, with request to test additionally)

Sunday, October 30, 2022

from 08:30 | Check-in and coffee

09:00 | Welcome and Keynote – Volker Beck (German-Israeli Society e.V.)

10:00 | Workshop Phase I

In diverse, parallel workshops, lectures and discussion slots in a total of five thematic areas, participants can gain insight into the range of German-Israeli relations.

Sustainability and innovation
A1. Sustainability Hackathon, Idit Seltenreich (Helmholtz Association)A2. German Israeli cooperations for a sustainable future, Dr. Pradeep Ghosh (Helmholtz Association)A3. Sustainability and Innovation hackathonA4. EcoPeace – The Green Blue Deal for the Middle East, Dr. Dana Lev (Ecopeace)
University and education
B1. Torn between Torah and Academia? Ethnic and religious minorities in universities, Panel discussion with Hanna Veiler (JSUD), Shila Erlbaum (Central Council of Jews in Germany), Nina Eisenhardt (MdL, Bündins90/GRÜNE), Sivan Borinsky (National Union of Israeli Students)B2. German-Israeli Youth Exchanges – planning and experiencing international encounters, Niclas Cares, ConAct – Coordination Center for German-Israeli Youth ExchangeB3. University Partnerships between Germany and Israel, Prof. Dr. Christian Wiese (Goethe University Frankfurt)B4. Propaganda and academic politics in the Arab-Israeli conflict, Dr. Ron Schleifer (Ariel University)
Social justice
C1. Introduction to Social Justice: Reproduction of Inequality through Education, Rahel SchüsslerC2. Gentrification and Segregation in Israel’s & Germany’s urban Areas, Panel discussion with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schipper (University Frankfurt), Ari Libsker, Phuong Thanh Tran (Eine Stadt für Alle!) & Lone Grotheer (fzs e.V.)C3. TLV >> BER | Between Two LGBT Capitals, Din O. BaartzC4. Women rights in Israel, Or Cohen
International relations
D1. Israel in the UN, Hillel Neuer (UN Watch)D2. Nation Branding, Prof. Dr. hab. Jan Lies (FOM University)D3. Abraham Accords and their significance for the next generation, Annina Fichtner (American Jewish Committee)D4. Iran – On possibilities of the protest movement and the meaning of the Iranian nuclear program, Ulrike Becker (Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin)D5. Politization of human rights by terror-related NGOs, Olga Deutsch (NGO Monitor).
E1. Introduction on antisemitism, Lisa JacobsE2. Antisemitism, Xenophobia and Hatred of Israel, Ran Bar-YoshafatE4. TikTok and antisemitism in social media, Jonathan GuggenbergerE5. What’s so (un)sexy about Jewish life in Germany? Laura Cazés (Central Welfare Office of Jews in Germany).

13:00 | Lunch

14:00 | Workshop Phase II

16:00 | Keynote – Olga Deutsch (NGO Monitor)

| Closing ceremony and farewell